Monday, December 23, 2013


The histories of the Islam nation and the heathenish, political and social occurrences have led to the involvement of the United States in complex wars in the ara. Some constants of cultural formation include religious beliefs, economic and political systems, roles within the family, rites of passage, and time patterns. The Moslem world today has spread lengthwise the Middle East, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Egypt, Persia, Africa, India, and the largest, Indonesia. Over one billion people fulfil the Moslem world to be Muslim. Fifty-five pct of the Muslim population is under twenty five years old. The families of the Islamic world be known to be strong provide families. The average line of descentrate is six children. The population continues to increase do to the decrease in family size. Islamic nations argon said to be man-ruled, where they live in a masculine world. Fifty per centum of the population is w omen who are not trained to have professions. Their stock is to take care of the children. The people of Islam have rites of passage, which are rights they are given at different stages of the persons life, nascence marriage and death. Most marriages are arranged; also a dowry is paid by the husband to the wife.
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The Islamic faith is the most popular pietism of the Middle East, and it is also the exit growing. There are different versions of the Islamic religious belief. They any conceptualize in one God, which is Allah, they believe that Mohammed is the prophet, and they believe that whoever dies spreading the trust of Allah will go to heaven. T he Muslims in all follow the five pillars o! f faith, which are confession, five daily prayers, charitable giving, fasting during Ramadan and pilgrimage to Mecca. The Muslims all read from their sacred book of scripture which is the Koran. The two principal(prenominal) forms of the religion are the Shiite and Sunni Islam. The Shiites are the more orthodox religion that is more compatible with the...If you want to get a upright essay, order it on our website:

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