Tuesday, March 26, 2013

caesar persuasive paper

In Julius Caesar, the male roles are often home to electronegative traits such as stubborness, arrogance, and poor communication skills. I obligate with this conclusion. Caesar was brought d birth and murdered by men womb he believed to be his friends hardly cod to poor communication, he was conspired against. Cassius was too killed due to a lack of communication. When he was warned about a possible loss in the battle, he immediately and awful orders his servant to kill him. If Cassius and his army had communicated better, his death could have been avoided. The conspirators all decided to side with Cassius because of their arrogance to the reality of the situation. They were so advantageously swayed to join the conspiracy without even talking to Caesar but further assuming that he would attempt to create a dictatorship. Additionally, Caesar is visualised to be a power-hungry man that only cares about his own personal gain. Even though we find this later to be false, no one grasps this information until after it is too late. Caesar was a very stubborn man, never swaying his own personal beliefs due to others or the actions of others. For example, he refused the crown three condemnations, insisting that it wasnt appropriate. He is also very proud and it was just this that caterpillar track to his downfall.

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If he had only heeded Calpurnias warning and not be the meeting with the Senate, he may not have been killed. Caesar was in fact a noble and good man but his stubborn and proud traits lead to his death. Cassius, a long time friend of Caesar, became intimidated by Caesars god-like influence on the citizens of Rome. Cassius began to intent threatened and betrayed even though Caesar had refused the crown three times. This was ignorance on Cassius part. He believed that despite the evidence, Caesar was already too corrupted and would larn advantage of the situation eventually. Even compared to women, the usual lesser in earlier literature, men displayed negative habits and traits....If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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