Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Zoos are an unsuitable environment for howling(a) animals and should, therefore, be abolished. Firstly, menagerie animals are kept in a very throttle area compared with their vast natural habitat. Secondly, breeding programs are far-off less successful than zoos claim. Thirdly, zoo animals are exposed to numerous diseases and other dangers.

Zoo animals are usually kept in very cramped enclosures and do not be film homogeneous their wild counterparts. Polar bears, for example, are given about 10 metres of walking space whereas in their Arctic home they contrive for many hundreds of kilometres. Similarly, primates, big cats and birds are often confined in cages where they lack exercise and stimulation. Many animals develop unnatural habits such as pacing back and forth or swaying from expression to side.

Supporters of zoos argue that they help to conserve endangered species, but in fact they are not very good at this. Even the world famous panda breeding programme has been very costly and unsuccessful. Also, zoo life does not make water animals for the challenges of life in the wild. For example, two rare lynxes released into the wild in Colorado died from starvation even though the area was to the full of hares, which are a lynxs natural prey.

The zoo is an unnatural environment that exposes animals to numerous dangers.

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Diseases often spread among species that would never live together naturally. For example, many Asian elephants have died in US zoos after catching herpes from African elephants. Furthermore, zoo animals are often exposed to chemicals, solvents and other cyanogenetic substances. Finally, it is common for visitors to tease and provoke caged animals.

In conclusion, therefore, it is not consecutive to say that zoos are educational or that they help to encourage endangered species. In reality, they only teach us how wild animals behave when they are confined in small spaces. upbringing programmes provide zoos with good publicity, but in fact nearly of them are failures. Finally, zoo animals are probably...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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