Tuesday, March 26, 2013


As generic as it may sound, the nomenclature restriction is easily the biggest challenge and hurdle of anyones life. When living or working in a trilingual environment, the lack of a common language stinker cause all sorts of problems. It can lead to misunderstandings, unintended conflict and feelings of alienation among those involved. Cultural and spectral differences can compound communication problems by baffling still the most basic forms of communication, such as gestures and body language.
In the movie Amigo, the characters spoke a variety of languagesTagalog, Spanish, Chinese and English. In the first part of the movie Rafael Dacanay using Filipino, was telling the Americans that they were friends and signify no harm. Unfortunately the general in charge didnt understand what he was saying and asked the Spanish priest to turn in since he can communicate both Filipino and English. The priest became the mediator between these two races, regrettably he was free wrong facts to the Americans because he didnt really like Rafael. This misadventure affected much the wad in the barangay because the trust and uplifted society that was supposed to be formed didnt.
Having the ability to speak the language of the colonizers separated the Philippine society, It created divisions/ classes among the societies.

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Those who can speak English or Spanish were regarded as high class citizens and are seen as well-educated and respected people. Those types of people were able to immerse with the high ranking officials of the colonizing country and some even had the right to ball club the soldiers around. On the other hand those Filipinos who can only speak the mother tongue were looked upon as mere natives who doesnt take over the intellectual capacity to do things past working on fields. They were seen as lowly as the water buffalos, only sure-footed of working the toils.
There are problems inherited by multilingual societies which affect the unification of a country. There are people (like the...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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