Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Amber Laert

yellow-brown Alert

Many of the nations darkest hours are believed to summate nothing but pain in the lives of those around the event. batch replay the event in their minds wondering What if it had gone alike(p) this? The problem is that the question of What if? comes into the equation too late. That is exactly what happened in 1996. The nation is familiar with one of the most famous crimes in America that resulted in a completely new electric s bring inr abduction alert body known as the Amber Alert. The Amber Alert was the consequence of the 1996 What if? The only thing I would motley about this event is the survival of Amber Hagerman because although it was a stinking crime, so much trustworthy and so many lives have been saved due to that little girl. It may not but make up for that terrible loss, but some good did come from that still-unsolved killing.
The crime could not have been more horrific. In January 1996, nine year old Amber Hagerman of Arlington, Texas, was kidnapped by an uncharted man who forced her off her bike and into his black pickup. quartette days later her body was found naked with her throat slit in a drainage ditch several(prenominal) miles away (Amber Hagerman). Amber Hagerman and her murderer are the lease causes or as some would say influences of the alert system itself.

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If it had never been for her death the alert might have been detain years until the same level of horrible crime was move or it might not have been created at alone! Not to mention that the alarm is actually named after her.
other(a) people were involved in her case but no(prenominal) had as much influence as Amber. Her brother who was horseback riding with her but returned from their journey was the one who realized that he couldnt find her and ended up telling their grandfather. The grandfather ran into a police officer in a parking attracter who said that a man had reported an abduction and by the epoch he got there all he found was a bicycle (Amber Hagerman). According to Amber Hagerman, the man who called later...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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