Monday, December 23, 2013


THOMAS JOHANSSON PETER B. and STEEN After the intensive 1976 election wake up in Sweden a coalition-of the non-Socialist parties that won the majority of the seats in Parliament-was formed to handle the issue which had figured so predominantly in the campaign and which was bound to cause severe problems in forming a new government. After much discussion it was dogged that Swedens thermonuclear dilemma was to be handled by revolt conditions on the use of nuclear nuclear reactors not yet annoyed with nuclear fuel through a form-ula laid lot in a Stipulation serve, passed by Parliament in April 1977. The Act requires that prior to the loading of fuel to any surplus nuclear reactor in Sweden, the reactor operator mustiness: lay out a contract which adequately provides for the reprocessing of pass fuel, and show how and w here the final examination certification of the highly hot waste resulting from reprocessing can be established with imperious safety, or show ho w and where the spent but not reprocessed nuclear fuel can be lastly stored with absolute safety. The Swedish nuclear industry responded by like a shot initiating a reactor fuel safety (Karnbranslesakerhet or drift to show that the demands of the Stipulation Act could be satisfied.
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And in previous(a) 1977, an application was made for permission to operate a reactor (Ringhals-3) under the reprocessing option of the Stipulation Act. The application included contracts for reprocessing with the french state company COGEMA and a report from the project, alleging that a on the whole safe method for the final storage of upper-level radioactive waste from reprocessing had been found that me t the requirements of the Stipulation Act. W! hat we will start here is a concise summary of the Swedish plan for high-level nuclear waste storage, a technical go over of that scheme, and other(a) information relevant to the application of the Act. In its first report, released in December 1977, the project proposed a repository to contain wastes from 13 reactors...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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