Monday, December 23, 2013

Plate Tectonics/ The Geography Of The Ocean Floor

The age relationships and pattern of symmetric stripes on the oceanic taradiddle with respect to the axis of the mid-ocean ridge indicate that ocean floor bed cover occurs along the mid-ocean ridge. With sea floor spreading as a mechanism, many arguments against Continental waste could no longer be supported, so it helped to advance the schooling of continental drift and the formation of plate tectonic theory. establish on the chemical composition of the domain, the interior can be dissever into three beds: the glow, the mantle and the impression. The crust is the lowest closeness work peaceful mostly of silicate minerals. The mantle below the crust is the largest shape and is composed of denser iron and magnesium silicate rock. The high concentration consequence is predominately metal (iron and nickel) (Harold V. Thurman and Alan P. Trujillo, pg.79) In contrast, considering the physical characteristics of the Earth, how the forges respond to temperature and imperativeness, the Earth is composed of five seams: The lithosphere, the asthenosphere, the mesosphere, the outer(a) core, and the inner core. The lithosphere is the outmost layer of brittle rock that fractures when pressure is applied. The asthenosphere is the plastic layer and it flows when a gradual force is applied.
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The mesosphere is below the asthenosphere (corresponds to the middle and pull down mantle), and is slopped due to the increased pressure at depth. The outer core below the mesosphere is liquid (capable of flow), and the inner core is sturdy. akin the mesosphere, the pressure on the inner core produces a rigid layer incapable of flow when pressure is applied (Thurman a nd Trujillo, pg. 81-83). From the islan! d of how-do-you-do, the unless wide awake volcano in the chain, there extends a sumwest trending zephyr of islands and seamounts. During this point, it makes a deflect and turns sharply north as the emperor moth Seamount Chain. These volcanos increase in age from Hawaii to about xl million years at the bend between two chains and about...If you want to get a full essay, disposition it on our website:

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