Wednesday, December 4, 2013

American History

The Gap Between the Haves and the Have NotsThe cartoon on gob 472 depicts Cornelius Vanderbilt and his perceived manipulation of politicians to control his large empire of railroads is usual of how umpteen Americans felt about capitalism during the tardy ordinal and early twentieth century . While many Americans clung to the humour of the self made man , Vanderbilt embodied all that could be corrupted in this economic system . The monopolies of the early twentieth century ensured that the great leaders of attention would maintain their bandage over most of the fortune of the join StatesThe photograph on page 499 shows in stark detail the living conditions of close to immigrant families . The adult female is shown workings over a set of lavation era one child looks on and a nonher sleeps in a nearby crib . Thi s clearly shows that the woman is working in her home to supplement her family s income by providing washables function for others . The contrast between these two images is stark in that Vanderbilt employs a great control over his existence while the immigrant woman has very little control over hersWhile the giants of effort were cross amassing a wealth that could not be imagined nowadays , immigrants were face a very different America decision it unfeasible to live on one person s allowance in the factories it became necessary for children and women to enter into labor and contribute to the dwelling house house . besides by calling upon the earnings of much than one of its members could the immigrant household make ends meet (Hoffman 78 ) This contrast of wealth contributed to the efforts of rough to unionize workers and obtain control over the wages and conditions of workersWhile the crevice between the lives of immigrant workers and the great tycoons of the e ra spreading and and further apart , there! were some great achievements that benefited many .
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For physical exercise , if it were not for the railroads need for scheduling the lead across the full(a) nation we might not have a commonplace time zone system today . Although not until 1918 did the federal official government make these time zones timeworn for all purposes , the run by the railroads very quickly grumose the idea of `standard time finished most of the United States (Brinkley 468 There were as well great advancements in the elbow room goods were manufactured such as the moving assembly drag introduced by Henry FordMany of the titans of industry defended their great wealth through an idea called Social Darw inism . They argued that manage Darwin s theory of evolution taught survival of the fittest of the fittest , Social Darwinism taught that the poor had only themselves to blame for their lack of wealth . This theory gained in popularity during the late 19th century . The face philosopher Herbert Spencer was the first and most most-valuable proponent of this theory . baseball club , he argued , benefited from the elimination of the uncollectible and the survival of the strong and clever (Brinkley 473 This theory , however , did not seem to take into amity the...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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