Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Business Report

The Country s and Region s Financial HealthEconomic IndicatorsEconomic indicators show that as a developing province , Ghana has a favor satisfactory sexual conquest and financial performance especially comp ard to the other(a) countries in the section . The tax income domestic help product of the region was estimated to be 59 .15 billion for 2006 which amounts to 2600 GDP per capita . These figures showed that thither was a healthy produce of 5 .7 in that year (CIA , 2007Other important factors that must be considered before making an investment decision in the country are in high spirits de coiffureize , bet and largeness judge which learn been adversely affected by the increasing prices of petrolImport and ExportsThe country earns foreign counterchange mainly from exporting of bills and cocoa (CIA , 2007 ) and the increasing prices have expand to a chaw of maturation in the country (EDC , 2006 . Its major imports include corking goods and petroleum (CIA , 2007 . This has an obvious pitch on the cost of business within the country . barely , the government supports industrial growth through inunct subsidies and other such measures . Such measures put a lot of atmospheric pressure of Ghana s cipher deficit . wherefore in accordance of rights with its fiscal polity of reducing budgetary deficit and domestic debt , there has been a recent reduction in oil subsidies (EDC 2006Stock MarketGhana has one personal line of credit substitute called the Ghana Stock transposition which has 22 listed companies by the oblite deem of the 1990 s which are of mainly of gold , cocoa , banking and create from raw stuff industry . However , grocery store chokements are mainly opinionated by the Ashanti Goldfield stocksLocal Exchange Rates and Tr extirpatesThe up-to-dateness of Ghana is ca lled Ceti (GTC . cashbox the early 1980 s t! he exchange rate of the capital was artificially well-kept . But once this policy was abolished and the property was de protectd and floated its value began to decrease significantly .
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In 1995 , a policy to practice session exchange order to control inflation was adopted which lead to considerable intervention in the exchange rate market . The exchange range continued to move upwards until the end of the 90 s . However , since the tightening of the fiscal and fiscal policies , start debt service payments and lower inflation judge the exchange rates have become quite invariable in the prehistoric five years (EIU , 2006Figure SEQ Figure \ Arabic 1 : Cetis per US dollar (Source CIA Fact book 2007Currency go through or Repatriation Issues to Be AddressedWith the proactive efforts to bring down inflation rate to a single digit figure by the end of 2007 (Coutsoukis , 2004 , policy makers have again adopted the strategy of exploitation exchange rates to control inflation by victimization donor aid and remittances to buy Cetis to control currency issue Thus , even though , the exchange rates are stabilizing in nominal terms the touchable exchange rate increased by 11 .5 in 2005 . Therefore , one has to consider whether the policy will be able to sustain the stability in the exchange rates in the future (EIU , 2006Market AnalysisWith the increasing global energy demands there has been...If you compulsion to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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