Friday, February 1, 2013

Grant Management

GRANT MANAGEMENT2007 does in Human Service Department in the County Government is basically concerned with the structuring of the relationship between a country and its purlieu . The environment in which country verifys has a greater influence on their successes or failures . There is a strong linkage between the changing environment the strategical response of the country to such changes and the performance . It is therefore serious to understand the forces of external environment the way they influence this linkage . The external environment which is dynamic and changing holds both opportunities and threats for the County Governments . The County Governments speckle attempting at strategic realignments , try to capture these opportunities and avoid the emerge threats . At the same m the changes in the environment ingrain the attractiveness or risk levels of various investments of the County Governments or the investorsBROAD DIMENSIONS OF kind-hearted SERVICE DEPARTMENTThe macro environment in which all County Governments operate broadly consist of the economic environment ,the political and well-grounded environment ,the socio cultural aspects and the environment related issues like defilement , sustainability etc .These factors often overlap and the developments in one area whitethorn influence developments in other . The opening up of delivery integrated the markets globally and increased the competition between reclusive and public firms . The social considerations in the context of a maturation country also play a critical bureau in deciding the broad dynamics of the country environmentThe external forces can be classified into : Political , Economic , affable Technological , Environmental and Legal Forces . Changes in these external forces light upon the changes in consumer demand for both industrial and consumer products and run . These external farces affect the types of products produced the character of positioning them and market segmentation strategies , the types of services offered , and choice of country .
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Therefore , it becomes important for the County Governments to identify and value external opportunities and threats so as to develop a blow over mission , designing strategies to reach out long-term objectives and develop policies to achieve short-term goals . While the framework may be use to understand the most important factors at the present time , it should be primarily used to look into the future involve which may be different from their present or previous(prenominal) impactPolitical : Politics has a serious impact on the economic environment of a country . Political ideology and political stability or instability strongly influence the footstep and direction of the economic emersion . Also it contributes to the economic environment which is conducive for the country to growEconomic factors : Throw light on the nature and direction of the economy in which afirm operates . The firms must focus on economic trends in segments that affect their industry . Consumption patterns are the relative affluence of market segments and firms must understand them by dint of the level of disposable income and the tendency of people to spend . quest rates inflation rates , unemployment rates and trends in the gross national product , government policies and sect oral growth rates are other economic influences...If you want to drum a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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