Friday, February 1, 2013

14Th Century Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara

14th Century Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara

The intelligence operation bodhisattva comes from two words: bodhi, which actor enlightened and sattva, which translates to existence or being. In early Buddhism, the word bodhisattva referred to the past lives of the Buddha. They can also be objects of devotion to Buddhists. Traditionall(a)y, bodhisattvas argon beings who be capable of reaching full enlightenment and unveiling Nirvana but vows never to do so until all beings enter Nirvana. Instead, they help others and lead them to enlightenment. Bodhisattvas give help without narcissistic reasons and because they ar motivated by love and compassion, they respond to the woefulness they see and hear. Bodhisattvas are the second most important figures in Buddhism after the Buddha.
In art, bodhisattvas are depicted as peaceful, non-historical human, non-wrathful, and non-Buddha akin beings (Watt 1). Bodhisattvas are usually sculpted or painted in playful postures and found wearing luxurious clothing and well-heeled jewelry because they are still living in the world. magical spell the Buddha is usually portrayed without jewelry and in clothes that are worn by monks, bodhisattvas are the complete opposite. Their arms, necks, bodies, etc. are typically adorned with several bracelets and necklaces made out of promising and dazzling jewels.

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This further differentiates the Buddha and a bodhisattva.
For this report, I chose the fourteenth nose candy gilt copper form of Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara from Nepal or Tibet. According to the museum, the status of origin for this sculpture is ambiguous because the sculpture has traces of both tralatitious Nepalese and Tibetan aesthetic and style. Nepalese artists are know for their craftsmanship which is evident in the sculptures composite detailing of the crown and garments while some elements indicate that the sculpture was cast in Tibet. These include the execution of pleats in Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvaras robes, which look rigid and machine made, and the stoutness...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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