Friday, January 25, 2013

Impact Of Immigration On The United States Economy

[Professor s Name][Writer s Name][Course Title][Date]Impact of Immigration on United States EconomyImmigration : An OverviewImmigration is an intentional transfer of nationals of iodin domain into another country for the reason of relocation . A corresponding term Emigration , indicates movement out of a country , specifically movement from the point of view of the country of depart rather than the country of entrance . The terms gain totally to international movements and not to movements within a atomic number 53 country , however large- racing shell they may be (Scot 1 p Both immigration and emigration entail personalised option . The emigrant did not have to leave his country , at any set out not at the result he did while conditions may have made red ink expedient the immigrant did not have to elect the particular speckle he did . The immigrant is not merely a refugee who has fled his native contribute he arrives in his new country with the intention , or at least the possibility of remaining permanently (Scot 1Although immigration is quite personal , involving the whole range of human emotions and motivations , it may occur on a very large scale . From that standpoint , immigration is a particularly modern phenomenon , intimately applic qualified to human movement in the 19th and twentieth centuries (Scot 1History of Immigration in the United StatesImmigration has been one of the defining features of U .S . society throughout its history . In 2000 approximately 10 of the Statesns were born abroad . From 1820 , the time the U .S . government began to overhear statistics on the number of persons coming to America , to the end of the twentieth century , over 65 million persons entered as immigrants . During the eon prior to 1819 , approximately 900 ,000 Europeans arrived along with 433 ,000 slaves from Africa and the West Indies . Many immigrants stayed only to work for short periods of time and returned home .
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The return rate for the period 1908 to 1957 , when the fed epochl government kept return data , indicates that about 30 of immigrants went home . Some of them migrated again to America , however , either to work temporarily or resolve permanently (Reimers Row devour 1The figure of 65 million immigrants includes only those counted by the authorities some others entered without going through the legal procedure . America did not have b patrols along the northern and southern bs until 1924 , and even then many persons were able to avoid inspection . The precise number of those entering without documents or those who overstayed their visas is not known , but on the basis of the 2000 enumerate , officials estimated that nearly 9 million undocumented or punishable immigrants lived in the United States in that year . ThatWhere do the roughly immigrants come fromImmigrants to America have come from all points of the globe , but despite their diversity , they often shared many things in common . Most of them came for economic reasons , whether during the colonial era or in the post World War II world . When changed economic circumstances such as shortages of land or limited...If you want to get a full essay, high society it on our website: Orderessay

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