Friday, January 25, 2013


Running Head : G everywherening E-CommerceNameUniversityCourseTutorDateTechnological discoverys produce efficient promoter of performing tasks which improves communities productivity , income and standards of living . This has happened finishedout history , and it exclusively started with the creation of stone tools by the Stone Age contemporaries . As a result of that breakthrough , the early existencely concern was able to improve his life through hunting of grotesque animals and cultivation of food crops . Making of fire was another installation that forever changed his life . The world has since then seen many technologies that withstand taken humanity s standard of living to higher levels . This whitethorn include : the locomotive , the radio and the internetTechnological benefits come with various be : the society changing how its constituents resuscitate with each other , how they relate with the governing authorities and how uses of applied science byproducts are integrated into court- articulateed systems . Some people try to stick to status quo that is , require to lead their receives without disruption , others desire to include the technological breakthrough into their lives , while others try to marry the old and the naked in concert . On the other hand governing authorities give to preserve the best interest of the society , which often brewage serious conflicts with makers and users of the immature technology . This leads to a tag-of-war between users and creators on one hand and authorities on the other . some(prenominal) parties have in many instances found a commonplace ground albeit time wasting , lobbing and massive use of resources . It is spanking for modern entrepreneurs , technology users , politicians and policymakers to understand that it takes time to understand impacts of new technologies on society , and should therefore avoid rushing to do rules and regulations .
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History has further shown that policies governing new technologies are lucky when formulated after the society has completely adapted to the new ways of dong things That s the best lesson to learn as the world grapples with ways and means of helping societies benefit from the fast arriving technology frontierThere currently exists a tag-of-war between authorities and online merchants regarding sales taxation income . Many states tax codes require merchants to collect sales tax on behalf . But eCommerce makes it hard . The result states are loosing billions of dollars in sales tax as merchants make billions in win . Meanwhile consumers are enjoying low prices before the two protagonists give voice taxation rules governing the eCommerce industry . Another technical renewing that has challenged governance authorities is the radar jammer that helps drivers avoids traffic fines while over speeding . Authorities do not know whether to felon manufacture of the deviceMotor vehicle is an innovation that has successively moved through Spars four phases . This transport mode managed to create commuter markets where workers started to live away from their places of work children started attending schools further from home , businessmen started selling wares in areas that locomotives could not go , and the population became more than mobile . Initially , the vehicle technology was characterized with dangerous accidents that had neer been experienced during...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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