Friday, January 25, 2013

As A Manager, How Would You Justify The Expensive Technology Infrastructure Of A Forensic Science Laboratory

In the face of the mounting economic crisis and tight government spending these days , it is becoming more and more strong to justify expensive equipment in the rhetorical science testing ground . Yet , recent advances in DNA engineering science boast enabled faithfulness makers to solve crimes that were antecedently unsolvable or other unresolved for decades . Cases where all leads have gone cold ar suddenly revived and justice is served because of advances in other forms of technology that have allowed law makers to gather information that they could not previously obtain . In fact , due to all the vernal equipment that was only available to top notch research institutes law makers are able to make sure that the right masses go to jailThe justification for the expensive technology infrastructure in forensic science laboratories is that it allows the law makers to solve crimes much fleet and also ensure that justice is served .
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Previous law enforcement methods and forensic science procedures allowed for a larger margin of error . This heart and soul that sometimes the wrong people are displace to prison house , as has been shown in the recent court cases where people were sent to prison for 20 years only to be released and appoint innocent after a DNA test . Instances much(prenominal) as these have been dramatically reduced because of the technology infrastructureAnother fountain why there is a need for this high tech equipment is due to the fact that the criminals are becoming high tech as well . A pitfall in the advancement of technology...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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