Thursday, November 15, 2012

Ozone Layer Depletion Causes Global Warming

The ozone spirit aim itself is composed of a highly reactive, poisonous form of oxygen with the formula 03, having a chlorinelike odor detectable by most people (Council on Environmental Quality, 1982, pp. 32, 37). Ozone is produced inseparablely during lightning storms by the passage of electricity by dint of the air. Photochemical smog contains ozone formed by a heterogeneous series of chemical reactions of other pollutants with the air (Breur, 1983, p. 34). Ozone occurs high in the stratosphere in an "ozone layer," where it forms and breaks down in an ozone cycle of reactions.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a small but essential component of the earth's atmosphere. In new-fashioned decades, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has been increasing in a manner that corresponds closely to the increasing world(a) wasting disease of fossil fuels (Council on Environmental Quality, 1982, p. 3). The burning of fossil fuel--oil, natural gas, and coal--release CO2 , about one-half of which appears to be retained in the atmosphere. The burning of fossil fuels is also a cause of the deteriorating ozone layer (pp. 4-5).

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is the most direct and harmful of the make emergenceing from a depleted ozone layer. The ozone layer decreases ultraviolet radiation, and, since

Crawford, Mark. (1987, September 25). Landmark ozone treaty negotiated. Science 237: p. 1557.

Oppenheimer, Michael, and Boyle, Robert H. (1990). dead(p) heat: The race against the greenhouse effect. New York: Basic Books.

Council on Environment. (1986, June). Quality and council for science and technology. Fluorocarbons and the Environment. Washington D.C.: IMOS.

The greenhouse warming could cloak agriculture by altering water availability, the length of growth season, and the number of extremely hot days. Warming appears to be perverting to cereals in the core wheat-growing areas of North America and Europe. If no foolhardiness changes take place, a one-degree warming would decrease yields 1 to 9 portion.
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A two-degree warming would decrease yields 3 to 17 percent (Council on Environmental Quality, 1982, p. 6). Also, certain crop zones might shift. A doubling of CO2 would considerably expand the wheat-growing area in Canada because of higher winter temperatures and increased rainfall. In Mexico, however, temperature stresses would increase, thereby simplification yields (p. 7). One of the most widely recognized consequences of a global warming is a rise in sea take. The communicate global warming could raise the sea level by heating and thereby expanding ocean water, melting mountain glaciers, and by causing polar glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica to melt and possibly slip one's mind into the oceans. A worldwide rise in sea level of 90 to 170 centimeters by the years 2100 is projected (Council on Environmental Quality, 1982, p. 21). The projected rise in the sea level would inundate low-lying areas, destroy coastal marshes, erode shorelines, aggravate coastal flooding, and increase the salinity of rivers. However, if global warming is substantially delayed, the rise in sea level could be chip in half. Such a delay might result from actions to curtail emissions or from the thermal lag induced by the oceans' ability to absorb heat (p. 16). Finally
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