Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Aztecs

The Aztecs The Aztecs The Aztec people ruled from the Gulf of Mexico to present day Guatemala. in that respect capital city was Tenochititlan. The greatest controlling force was religion. It was shown in their architecture and sculpture.  They also had writing, numbers and a calendar. They had recorded dates for sacred holidays. The children were taught respect, courtesy, truthfulness and self control. Aztec boys knowing practical tasks from their fathers at home. hence when they reached 15 they went to a youth house. There elders taught the boys religion, citizenship, history, traditions and art. They also learned war.
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Girls could also learn to be priestesses in temple schools. The Aztecs were shared into tribes  that were dived into clans. Each clan had its own officials that represented them at tribal meetings. The land was dived up by the tribes. They controlled the land but the peasants farmed it having to turn some of it to the chiefs and priests. Th...If you want to get a full essay, ramble it on our website: Orderessay

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