Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Mr. John Reffner My Spanish Teacher

Mr. Reffner or "Reff" turned come to the fore to be champion of the greatest influences of my life. He not completely make Spanish fun to learn, he had a unparalleled gift of patience, humor, and tolerance that be sorely lacking in many individuals in contemporary society. Being from a poor, Middle-Eastern environment, I was used to existence taught that females were limited to various roles and activities in life. I was also taught that one should obey their mother and father no matter what they said, meaning I often undergo a great deal of guilt in going against every of their wishes. Mr. Reffner's teaching made me feel worthwhile and important. He made me see that I was valuable in my own dear on my own terms and that my breeding was limited single by my own constraints. This opened entire new worlds of learning, activities and development to me that may never have happened had I not experienced "Reff's" influence. "Reff" often inspired us with great verbalises that many competency find inappropriate for their blunt and direct nature. We recognised them. whiz pertained to the quality of job one does, no matter what the task. the like Morrie, he believed that no matter what you did you should do it with all your warmness and ability and never any less. This particular saying he said he learned from one of his mentors, his grandmother, who was fond of saying it herself: "There's a hell of a

difference between chicken shit and chicken liver, and it behooves one to survive the difference" (Reffner, 2005, p. 1).

In interviewing Reff, I wished to ask for his answers to slightly important scruples in life. Some questions, like the above one pertaining to doing your best and taking pride in work, I knew Reff's answers to and ideas on already. Others, I was only now mature enough to fate to ask and understand. These were questions on love, individuality, aging, meaningfulness and death. "Reff" and I remained in touch periodically, so my request for an interview was something he readily agreed to do. hushed attractive, as well-groomed as ever, and with his indelible sense of humor and intelligence, "Reff" seemed unvaried by time.
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The first question I had for him was, "How does one know when one is in "true" love? He answered me by saying, "You will know you are in true love when you are making a organize and there are two slices of meat left. You are in love when you mechanically take the largest piece for your partner's sandwich without thinking about it." "Of course," he added, "for it to be real love your partner must be of a mind to do likewise if making the sandwich for you. It's a two-way street. Nothing one-way about it at all in all its phases and moods" (Reffner, 2005, p. 1).

Albom, M. (1997). Tuesdays with Morrie. New York: Broadway Books.

The next question I directed at "Reff," who by now had us set up with iced teas and a cheese and cracker tray, was "What do you think happens at death and, if we all die, what is the meaning in life?" Mr. Reffner told me, "I believe in a overbearing life force and energy that is responsible for all of our being, the being of all plants and animal and, in fact, the entire universe. I do not believe in a God though. I find most conceptions of God and religion tend to disperse rather than unite. We are all, whoever or whatever made us, affiliated to this positive, life affirming force. To go against
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