Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Private Security

Running head : PRIVATE SECURITY[ constitute of author][name of university][name of professor][date of submission]1Proprietary auspices system service has m whole an another(prenominal)(prenominal) functions like surveillance protection of property , fire barroom , and much more . All of these functions be of the essence(p) for protective cover service . But if I were to choose only star among these functions , I would have to go with keepion of theft stealing , in general , can ca apply irreparable damage to a property , may it be private or demarcation . Prevention of theft is very important for businesses wherein any loss of property can cause the collapse of the business . It is also as important for private properties , especi on the wholey for houses , because those safe to us may be endangered if there are attempts of theft . Prevention of theft also keeps people s spirit at rest that their hard-earned properties are well secured (Fischer Green , 2004 ,p . 3-42We all know that America is in the forefront of the fight against act of terrorism . The American government had empowered itself for the fight against terrorism by constructing laws that expands its capabilities Right after the 9-11 attack , the USA PATRIOT do work was passed (Scheppler 2005 ,p . 6Law enforcement had never been this strengthened when the laws had been passed . Law enforcement officers can now prevent the crime even before it can happen - with the use of new surveillance techniques and laws that can grant immediate warrants . With all of these said , we should take in mind that propriety protective cover measures personnel are the first to deal with the crimes (terror related or not , even before the law enforcement officers arrive at the scenePrivate security is very important because of the mere fact that they are distri stilled almost 90 percent of all infrastructure in the nation (Connolly . Their numbers speak for their importance . No other institution is more concerned of security than the institution carrying the account book .
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Plus , they are probably the primary informants if there is a disturbanceIn the most basic , there are three varied types of security contract , proprietary , and hybrid security . specialize security means that the security officers are under a contract with the company . Contract security provides a high up take of security while not being costly like other types of security . Properties requiring a high level of security prefer proprietary security . Proprietary security provides its officers with compensation and training . Hybrid security , as the name suggests is basically a combination of contract and proprietary security (MaydoneyThese types of security play equal roles in homeland security . Even though they are distributed among different organization , the warmness of all security officers within the country means a there are many security officers with different functions but serve the same purpose of protection3Risk management analysis is indispensable simply because properties and investments are at stake . Planning cautiously and systematically security procedures dramatically strengthens safety . Intruders and violators will pretend more than twice to make a move on a heavily secured facility . As they say , measure is the best...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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