Tuesday, November 13, 2012

History of Golf

Of the 26 meg golf zippyers be on 12 and over shortly in the United States, 5.7 million are wo custody. That number is steadily increasing. Women comprise 39 share of all beginning golfers. They are recognized as representing the largest growing segment of new players in the industry.

Women take more(prenominal) golf lessons than men. A recent study by the National play Foundation shows that 35 percent of female golfers are currently taking lessons plot of land only 14 percent of males are currently taking lessons. Another interesting statistic involves the incident that 61 percent of women golfers indicated in a survey that they had taken lessons, while only 42 percent of men the same inquiry in the affirmative. Paula King hypothesizes that the reason that more women take lessons than men involves the idea that men tend to define the ability to action results on their own as a sign of the zodiac of intensiveness and being told what to do is perceived as a sign of weakness. King writes: "You know most men will not direct for directions, not anytime, not anywhere... a woman is in great jeopardy if she suggests to a man that he could ask for help."

According to King, on the golf degree women are more concerned with building relationships with other players, while men trust to exhibit their skill and mastery of the game. King writes that men cyclorama every round as a com

"New Augusta National Chair Continues diversity Against Women." women's liberationist Daily News Wire. 10 May 2006. Feminist Majority Foundation. 31 May 2008 .

"Couples Helping to Design a Men Only Golf Course." ESPN.com.
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12 Aug 2001. ESPN Internet Ventures. 1 Jun 2008 .

According to an essay published online by the Bullze.com website, even the strange golfing skills of Tiger Woods could not prevent him from become the target of racially-based prejudice. Tiger Woods' early experiences in golf were mar by racism by members of a golf course Woods frequently played. More than a decade later the fact, the Navy Club apologized for the first time to Woods for the fact that Woods accomplishments had never been acknowledged by the club, and for the fact that few members of the club treated him poorly (Navy Club Apologizes for Racism That marred Woods's Early Golf Days). One can only call into question that if members of a club treated Tiger Woods in a prejudicial manner in spite of his spacious talent, just how widespread the race-based discrimination is in a game of golf.

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