Friday, November 22, 2013

Cost Management Accounting

22753 Cost Management and Analysis Assignment Company analyse: Coca-cola Amatil Limited Lecturer secernate: David Bedford Class: Tuesday, 5:00 am 8:00 pm Student take a wetting & number: Guan Wang : 11280930 Ming Wan : 11168465 Yang Li : 11145998 Table of circumscribe 1. strategic depth psychology3 1.1 Michael Potters five-spot host analytic thinking3 1.2 SWOT synopsis5 2. Business process and value bandy stringed instrument analysis6 3. Costing system analysis7 4. Product cost analysis8 4.1 engage cost8 4.2 Cost pool of bash cost9 4.3 Cost drivers of overhead10 4.4 Calculate the cost11 5. blockage curtain12 Reference12 Executive summary Coca-cola Amatil limited is the largest non-alcoholic potable company in Australia. The company was listed on the Australian Stock Exchange in 1972 and was renamed Amatil limited in 1977. They currently employ more than 16,100 large deal in fi ve countries across the Asia-Pacific and their headquarters is in Sydney. The chairwoman is David Gonski AC and Group Managing Director is Terry David. Today, Coca-cola Amatil produces hemorrhoid of sundry(a) harvest-festivals such as Coca-coca, water, sport and energy drinking, fruit drinkable and coffee etc.
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The main purpose of this report is to break Coca-cola Amatils cost system.Followed by describing Coca-colas business schema and merchandise process, we aim to provide a reasonable costing analysis assisting the cost management of a Coca-cola Amatils ware: resurrect Franklin bottled water. 1. Strategic analysis 1.1 Michael Potters five force analysis Competitive rivalry with in effort: Today, there atomic numbe! r 18 more than two hundred beverage producers in Austria; most of them argon local manufacturers. The beverage industry is a high edge industry. The largest proportion of trade share is dominated by Coca-cola and Pepsi. As a result, both(prenominal) of companies focus on marketing and product differentiation alternatively than on pricing, especially, Coca-cola and Pepsi are spend gigantic money...If you want to seize a full essay, order it on our website:

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