Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Chattel: a piece of property. It can be anything from a prized baseball to an old worn emerge hat. Over the line of products of On the Road, fe manlys ar not enured with respect, they ar treated homogeneous a hand-me-down sweater. In the novel, On the Road, by Jack Kerouac, women are treated like chattel, sole(prenominal) unplowed as long as they are enjoymentful or interesting, passed back and forth, have no input in decisions concerning them, and are never truly loved because the men love all(prenominal) other.
Women are only unplowed as long as they are useful. And, in spite of the fact that the men are constantly unfaithful, the girls are expected to remain kind and loving. “Women are supposedly left sewing socks and waiting for their men to locate down with them” (Cresswell 258). Some of the women were kept only to serve a purpose, such as cooking or cleaning. dean, forces Marylou to make eat and clean up when Sal and his friend’s come everywhere (Kerouac 30). They take certain girls with them on the road, scarce there only purpose is to foot the bill. Eddie marries one of the girls to finance part of the trip, but when she runs out of cash, he leaves her and continues on the trip. (Kerouac 111).
Other women who are kept around are the girls that the men have deemed interesting. Dean picks up girls “for kicks.

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” (Kerouac 125). The men will hook up with them for a night, maybe a few, and then bonnie roll on out of town to the next girl who catches their eye. “Nearly every city is connected to a woman who is courted and left- often repeatedly”(Cresswell 258). On one occasion, Sal says “Nah…buy Seniorita”(Kerouac 281), implying that ha believes he can just buy women like you can a disposable camera, use it now, throw it a way later. Sal, Dean and the other male characters just use women like a piece of property.
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