Thursday, February 7, 2013

Does Animal Testing Really Make a Difference in Scientific Discoveries and Product Testing?

Does animal testing really polish off a residual in scientific discoveries and product testing?
Opposing phone line:
The debate over whether we should test certain products and vaccines on animals has been a growing controversy since the day it began. There be disparate grammatical cases of animal testing, and from an animal lovers point-of-view, neither should be done.
The first type of animal testing that takes place in laboratories is done by some cosmetic companies and other companies that make ho enforcehold products. This testing is done by pumping their products into the animals stomach, rubbing it on their skin, squirting the product into their eyes, or forcing the animals to inhale a spray. The fauna Welfare Act requires companies that test animals to report the amount of animals they use in experiments, but that does not include mice, rats, and birds used in experiments, and therefore companies dont report it*. The other type of animal testing that occurs is drug testing. They use this to try and adventure cures for diseases and for any(prenominal) other type of testing they might need.
These tests are pointless for a couple of reasons. First of all, some scientists commend that testing products on animals allow show the effect it will have on humans. This is quite unrealistic, because animals are not humans.

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These days, there are new research methods coming out such(prenominal) as computer models, cell cultures, and human studies. These are to a greater extent accurate, less expensive, and do not physically harm any animals*. Good companies will state on their labels that they do not test with animals, and those are the products that non-supporters of animal testing buy. The Humane ordering has started a program called the Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics, and the butt of the coalition is to force back companies to sign and verify that they do not use animal testing on their products. Those companies that have sign it will have a leaping bunny logo on their products so that consumers will know it was...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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