Friday, November 22, 2013


Chalk activity: *The chalk I put in the water has displaced some of the water which was absorbed by the chalk. *When I put the Vinegar on the chalk it made a chemic reaction that created a bubbling issuance. *Mixing vinegar with low-down chalk doesnt make anything when you add low-spirited chalk to vinegar, it will disintigrate faster than when putting a live-forever piece of chalk in it because there is more play along up ara. Limestone and chalk are both primarily atomic number 20 carbonate with a small amount of silicates in the posit form of trunk or silt. Adding strong harshs like hydrochloric window pane to chalk or limestone causes them to bubble as the acid reacts with the atomic number 20 carbonate to form CO2. Heating limestone or chalk to postgraduate temperatures forms a multipurpose industrial chemical called calcium oxide or quicklime, which can be added to water to make calcium hydroxide. * Is this chemical or strong-arm weathering? * In that larger category, which more item process does it see to it? Why do you think so? * Earlier you looked up what chalk is made of. Which rock type does this closely match? * How does the vinegar affect the chalk? 1 Chemical Weathering 2 Hydrolysis 3 The mineral, kaolinite, a soft trunk mineral that is make when the harder mineral, orthoclase, undergoes hydrolysis.
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4 Chalk is made issue of Calcium sulfate and it dissolves in weak acids which means it is a weak chemical to acids. So the vinegar wich is a typr of an acid dissolves the chalk with settle down foams foaming in the chuck out or a cup. Weathering in your own backyard: Some specimens of weatherin g that I found in my backyard are rusting be! cause we have a lot of scrap metal sitting around in our backyard. All this rusting is cod to the process of oxidation which is an effect of chemical weathering , when iron and other(a) metallic elements are exposed to moisture, they oxidize, or rust. Another example of weathering I found in my backyard was hydration in the rocks. I picked up a rock at the behind of a...If you want to puzzle a full essay, order it on our website:

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