Monday, December 9, 2013

Snssjso Kpskpdw p

PSYA4PSYCHOPATHOLOGY Topic: Schizophrenia 0 1 Outline clinical characteristics of schizophrenia. (5 marks) AO1 = 5 marks Candidates argon in all probability to describe symptoms include in the ICD or DSM manuals eg: thought control, delusions, hallucinatory voices, other haunting hallucinations, incoherent/irrelevant speech, catatonic behaviour, minus symptoms (such as pretermit of drive/motivation, flat affect, inappropriate stirred up reception and sudden mood swings). Clinical characteristics of schizophrenia could also lawfully include factors such as the prevalence, course and way bring out of the dis revisal. However, causal account statements and evaluative commentary, for example, on the hardy of diagnosis, are non creditworthy. Similarly, the realisation of diametrical types of schizophrenia is not creditworthy unless the characteristics of these different types are described. 0 2 Outline peerless psychological explanation of schizophrenia. (4 marks) AO1 = 4 marks Candidates are required to provide an last of superstar psychological explanation of schizophrenia. Where candidates provide much than one explanation, examiners should credit the best account. Descriptions of biological explanations are not creditworthy.
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sociocultural explanations are included in the specification as examples of psychological explanations and are perfectly gratifying here. Answers are most likely to accent on one of the following explanations: ??psychodynamic ( including family systems theory) ??cognitive ??behavioural Candidates could also legitimately abridgment the role of expressed perception in schizophrenia or hint to the soc ial ramble hypothesis. However, in both cas! es, they are more relevant to explaining the aliment of schizophrenia rather than its origins so candidates ability find it difficult to access full marks here. An schema of the diathesis-stress explanation is acceptable provided the candidates emphasise the psychological aspect. 0 3 Evaluate psychological...If you indispensableness to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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