Monday, December 9, 2013

Deception of the America Dream

The concept of the American day-dream consists of a belief that each unmarried individual has the ability to achieve any(prenominal)thing possible. Because of course, most intend that achiever equals happiness. In Arthur Millers tragedy demolition of a Salesman, an insecure and feeble Willy Loman continually strives to accomplish this dream as a mere traveling salesman. Capitalism and the American deportment of life drives him to assume that a charismatic temper only when is the only necessity to gain easy doorway to success, so much so that he begins to fail chthonic obligate and even causing damage to his mental health. Thus, Willy Loman stands as any other individual who wishes to take care of his or her love ones, but is afflicted with the constant demands of the capitalistic society. Unfortunately, his difference of assurance for the American dream directly causes the wrong outlook on life, the poor upbringing of his sons thrust and Happy, and the mental insanit y that he endures daily (which tragically leads to his death). Like any other citizen climb in America, Willy Loman has certain needs and desires that he strives to acquire for him and his family, and real believes that he will accomplish his goals.
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Although it is unclear what it is exactly that he sells, it is apparent that his strategy is to be well- care so that he may be able to sell himself. Because the man who makes an mien in the business world, the man who creates personal interest, is the man who gets ahead. Be liked and you will never want. (pg.15) This shows that Willy truly believes in the American way of life and feels that his personality is a shoe-in for success. He does non introduce that his beliefs are o! utmoded concepts, and that materialism prevailed, despite the circumstance that he himself falls victim to the materialistic world. This disillusionment causes Willy to hurt speck with reality, affecting his relationships with others as well as his already deteriorating health. When it comes to his sons Biff and...If you want to get a full essay, shape it on our website:

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