Friday, November 22, 2013

Images of Change

Abstract deviate is unpredictable and is source of uncertainty. It is essential to manage brass instrumental variety show in telling means so that mean endpoints be realized. Six images of transfigure ar present throughout a change process and these images are held by managers in various positions across the organization. It is chief(prenominal) to be assured if these images so that all intended and unintended outcomes are interpreted into account. In this paper I pull up venture demonstrate how three of these images were utilise during an organizational change in a company called Glimmerglass Networks. Images of trade Change is never blowsy in personal or original life. Organizational change is a complex process that affects many, if non all pack in the organization. In most cases the terminal of change is improvement from the menses state, but for many people prospect of change creates revere and uncertainty. These negative si de cause of change can be minimized by effective communication to all stakeholders which should be part of effective organizational change management. Organizational Change and Six Images of Change What is organizational change management?
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It is a framework for managing the effect of new business concern processes, changes in organizational structure or cultural changes at permeate an enterprise. (, 2009, organizational change management). Change is unpredictable and exact outcome is often very difficult to predict. Different types of organizations volition cuddle change in different ways. Similarly, managers in various positions will rise change in differ ent styles. These different tone-beginnin! g styles are categorized into six images of managing change: director, navigator, caretaker, coach, interpreter and nurture. It is central to be aware of these images of change so that manager in different positions can take on the appropriate image. most(prenominal) of the succession all images of change are present in an organization and are held by...If you want to get a luxuriant essay, pasture it on our website:

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