Saturday, October 5, 2013

Increased Infant Mortality R/t Lack Of Healthcare

Seeking control of the bud affirm process by some(prenominal) the legislative and decision maker director branches of governing is part of the system of checks and balances of American democracy .
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While it is true that the annual budget emanates from congener back as it has always been deemed to possess the power of the dish , it does non entirely control the budget process as the executive branch will also have to determine his legislative agenda for Congress - the priority bills and projects which Congress must promptly enact and finance , such as healthcare , manner , and war spending p Congress , on unrivaled hand , can choose non to follow the chairwoman s legislative agenda if it stands on opposite sides of a governmental look at such as the supporting for the war in Iraq , as the President is having such a hard succession , in a Democrat-dominated Congress , to convince the lawmakers to speedily and full finance the ongoing military operations and infrastructure construction in the war-torn regionOn the other hand , the President is not at all beholden to the whims and caprices of Congress , as he possesses prohibit powers to junk bills including budget items in general appropriations , which he deems discrepant with the general executive policies set by his system . much so , these checks and balances can even escalate into political struggles that may not only create legal problems for twain branches of government but polarize public opinion oddly on very divisive issues , such as fundi ng for stem-cell query , abortion education! , healthcare and the war spending...
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