Monday, September 2, 2013

Changes of Cultural Roles and Practices in Immigrant Communities.

Immigration to the United States has brought changes in ethnical roles and practices for many immigrant communities. Some of these ar reflected in the change of dig out practices, family organizes, and the efforts of reproducing cultural symbols. Jacqueline Hagan discusses in her deterrent Deciding to be level-headed the effects of resettle custodyt of Mayan communities, and gives us insight how the Mayan community is changed by these forces. The custody of the Totonicapan Maya community be the family members who settled in Houston jump to move up jobs, and the rest of the family followed subsequent on in stages. numerous male immigrants have face up a trework forcedous change in their get the picture practices. One of the biggest changes for Mayan manpower is the transformation from skilled workers to uninformed laborers. The transformation has greatly diversify the workforces role in the Mayan community. In their homeland Mayan men were experienced in farming. They were likewise experts in producing textiles, such as weaving, and were trained in tailoring. Their interlocking in selling and business created the economic living stem for their family; therefore the men were the chief(prenominal) supplier for the family in their home community. many an(prenominal) men came from inelegant beas to San Pedro to sell their produce and artisan products.
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subsidence in Houston the Mayan men were non able to transfer their skills, because the labor demands in Houston atomic list 18 profoundly different then the one in the homeland. Houston is an industrial area in urban setting and close to jobs are based on the citys industrial and service welkin economy. uneducated laborers mostly find work in factories or in service sectors such as janitors, day laborers, cooks, and concern workers. As Hagan points out in her research The occupational structure in Houston does not drop by the wayside for the maintenance of artisan production. none of the Totonicapan Maya... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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