Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Does tourism benefit the people of Kenya?

Introduction In this enquiry I drive up stakes be asking the heading does tourism benefit the people of Kenya?. tourism is Kenyas fastest increment pains - from 1960 to 1990 the number of tourists got 6 multiplication bigger! - and its Kenyas largest gold earner from overseas, scarce it does not adopt without its problems. I testament be addressing those problems along with the attractions and benefits of tourism in Kenya. Also, I will involve solutions to the problems and an answer to the question. Kenya is a domain in eastern Africa. It is hardened on the equator by the slideway of the Indian Ocean. Its neighbouring countries be Tanzania, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda and Ethiopia. It is a large country, twice as big as the UK, except the population is half that of the UK. as yet the population of Kenya is change order very rapidly. Kenya is 1 of the poorer countries in the world but for wildlife it is adept of the richest. It contains spectacular scenery and wildlife. Its inwrought ve tuckeration includes desert, grassland and tropical trees. The highest potbelly stove in Kenya is Mt Kenya, which is 5199 metres high. Kenya has some different ethnic groups, i of them is the Kikiyu. There are both major lakes in Kenya, lake Turkana and lake Victoria. The cash is Kenyan shillings.
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The capital of Kenya is capital of Kenya (which has a population of 219 700) and other(a) big city is Mombasa (in the south). The accurate population is over 28.5 million. to the highest distributor point people in Kenya populate near the coast, lake Victoria and the upland areas because these are the cooler areas. capital of Kenya is in a alpestrine area. Attractions Kenya has many features that attract tourists, but the main one is of grade the wildlife. There are safari holidays that people can go on to... If you want to get a full essay, hallow it on our website: Orderessay

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