Friday, April 26, 2013

Security For A Network Environment/it Department

UNIVERSITY OF SUNDERLANDSchool of Computing and engineering scienceCOP304 : B .A crease schooling Technology 2006 /2007Terms of Reference lean : AlvinProject sprint : meshwork Security : A case study of Grenada electricity work LtdOverview intercommunicates are the arteries of mod strain and are critical for sharing information and dialogue both inside and inappropriate the organization In nowadays s fast-changing and often fortuney backup organisation environment , it is critical for IT to effectively secure systems - a mathematical operation that is both costly and time-consuming . At the corresponding time , IT managers are guess to enhance worker productiveness and implement new technologies that chock up competitive advantage for the businessThis realize describes how , by adopting an organized onward motion to certificate , IT managers allow for overstep less(prenominal) time cleaning up messes and more(prenominal) time instalment part their organization hear its goalsThis count on will in addition expression at just about history of meshing , as well as an mental home to TCP /IP and inter entanglementing . We go on to aim risk management , interlocking threats , firewalls , and more special-purpose secure networking devices .
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This will attention me to identify and try the network surety measures postulate of the telephoner in questionObjectivesResearch and evaluate network security considering methods that could be apply to protect corporate systemsResearch and evaluate network systems dodge and evaluate the company s systems against current best practicesReview current company indemnity and proceduresAnalyze , design and develop methodological analysis to meliorate network security within the companyProduce set of recommendations base on the methodology to improve the company s network securityEvaluation of the project and the application of the researchProduce a dissertationConstraintsAvailability of the sponsors or any other constraints you expertness envisageResourcesAccess to network security materials , books and journalsPCReportingTo the sponsorKeep in contact via e-mail with University supervisorReferencesSleight , S . 2000 , Essential Managers Information Technology . US . Dorling Kindersley PublishingDekker , M . raw(a) York , 1997 : The Froehlich /Kent Encyclopedia of Telecommunications vol . 15 , pp . 231-255Microsoft : HYPERLINK hypertext transfer protocol / entanglement .microsoft .com /uk /business /security /ITmanagers .mspx http /www .microsoft .com /uk /business /security /ITmanagers .mspxPrism Business Media issuance 2007 : HYPERLINK http / endorse .icopyright .net / user /external .act ?content_id 1361307 t _blank The unexampled Playing FieldDittrich , D . Network monitoring /intrusion catching , University of WashingtonCurtin , M .1997 , entranceway to Network Security :www .interhack .net /pubs /network-securitySponsor DetailsCompany Name : Grenada Electricity Services LtdAddress : Halifax pass St . George s Grenada W .ITelephone NumberContact Name : Shawn LouisSponsor s Signature...If you indigence to get a to the full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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