Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Sample Web Designer Resume

John Greem 123 Main Avenue, apt. 1-A, Henderson, NJ, 19163 (799) 555-9311,

Objective:         To work as a clear designer in a creative environment.

Education:         1998 2002 Scramento expert College Bachelor of Computer Science & Programming, Graduation in May 2002.

        1996-1998 Franklin D. Roosevelt HS, New Bern, CT         1990-1996 Indiana Mathematical School, Ankorage, AK Skills: right experience of HTML with the use of CSS, DHTML and Java Script. Solid motif in MS Office with expertise in FrontPage. advance in Adobe Photoshop, Image Ready and Illustrator. Excellent knowledge of FTP, SSH and Dreamweaver.

Experience: Custom Internet Systems, Inc. (celestial latitude 2005 marching 2006) Html coder, sack designer Wrote a number of pages in HTML with the elements of CSS employ Front Page and Notepad. Developed templates with a complex accede structure ready for insertion of CGI and PHP tags. This includes overall site water travel and search with such effects as mouseovers, on frump/load popup windows, strings to play sounds and custom scroll bar.,, Ltd. (June 2005 December 2005) Html Coder Developed HTML templates required for the propulsive site functions utilize Front Page. Created complex tables for menus, news separate and ecommerce. Worked on overall site design using HTML, CSS and Multi-formals Inc.

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(December 2003 March 2005) clear developer, Html coder Created HTML CD presentations of the play alongs designs and projects using Front Page, Notepad and Adobe products. Developed a user friendly navigation system of files and directories for the clients.

GoCopywriting, Inc. (January 2002 - September 2002) Web designer, Html coder Created multiple HTML templates and forms that were used by PERL to generate the site structure. Developed examines as well as on the content of the site. IpWiz Corporation (March 2001 November 2001) Web designer designed site design using Photoshop and implemented it into a website using HTML, CSS and Java Script. Wrote strings of code for table structures, inserted random image displays, voting...

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