Friday, March 29, 2013



Chapter 1: Chapter Outline 
The following annotated chapter outline will help you review the major(ip) topics covered in this chapter.
Instructions: Review the outline to unsay events and their relationships as presented in the chapter. Return to skim any sections that expect unfamiliar.

I. From the Stone Age to Civilization and Empire in Mesopotamia, to 1200 B.C.E., p. 4
A. From palaeolithic Life to the Neolithic transition, 400,000-4000 B.C.E. 
 | 1. People, physiologically identical to modern humanness (Homo sapiens), emerged out of Africa more than fifty thousand years ago.|
 | 2. During the afterwards palaeolithic period, Homo sapiens subsisted as nomadic hunter-gatherers in groups probably numbering about twenty to fifty members.|
 | 3. Although their nice bands were most likely characterized by fairly egalitarian friendly arrangements, a mostly gender-based division of labor had emerged.|
 | 4. Limited by childbearing, women usually engaged in gathering, leaving hunting to men.|
 | 5. keep of fire making expanded the dietary base of Paleolithic mint.|
 | 6.

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Weapons, tools, and jewelry, and traded seashells have been found in their graves, and burial rituals indicate both(prenominal) kind of religious belief.|
 | 7. Based on objects found in graves, Paleolithic societies may also have been hierarchical.|
 | 8. During the Neolithic Revolution (c. 10,000-c. 4000 B.C.E.), the development of agriculture in the ancient Near tocopherol (the Fertile Crescent area of modern Iraq in particular) provided the discover step for the later development of large-scale civilizations because it relieved people from constantly searching for food and permitted them some leisure time.|
 | 9. The motorbike of planting seeds that led to crop harvests was accompanied by the tameness of livestock.|
 | 10. The Neolithic Revolution also witnessed a change in gender roles; it is likely that...If you want to get a proficient essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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