Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Science & Religion

Scientific Models and Religious mythsThe common notion is that science describes the beingness as it is , while religion essential use corroboratory methods to describe transcendental truth because it is beyond the powers human lecture . However , a proper examination of the situation reveals that the display of science to descriptive exactitude is unfounded , and that it too must employ indirect methods . The scientist admits to creating ` illustrations to convey the essence of his findings . The scientific good example is in fact not very different from the spectral analogy , and both are employing s that are strictly applicable elsewhere , but utilize because of their power of speck . This essay is an attempt to analyze the similarities and differences between the two , with character to the views of Alister McGrath as expressed in Science and Religion : An inlet , as well as those of Mircea Eliade , found in Myth and RealityMcGrath takes the strictly scientific approach . As a egress he analyses religious myth very much as an extension to the scientific model Rutherford s of the pinch is a brilliant example of the scientific model . The constituents of the corpuscle cannot possibly be seen Yet by the turn of the twentieth vitamin C a wealth of experimental data had accrued surrounding the atom and its constituents . To explain this data the scientists found themselves exercising the visual modality to greater degrees than usual , and a number of practical scenarios sprang up . Rutherford s model proved to be the most meaningful , and has stood the test of snip . He imagined a nucleus at the centre of the atom comprising the protons and neutrons , and the electrons orbiting the nucleus in the manner in which the planets orbit the cheerfulness . Being the most intuitive picture it aided the sight , and thus was a great fillip in the raise advance of atomic science . Even at the fourth dimension many scientists realized that such an arrangement was untenable .
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If electrons were allowed to circulate in the electric field of the nucleus they were bound to last lose energy and collapse into the nucleus (Cayne 1981 ,. 387 . Then once more , the protons are very unlikely to reside to deposither in a closely packed nucleus due to common repulsion . Despite these overwhelming objections the model stood with the scientific participation . This is only due to the overwhelming power to stimulate the imagination that the solar-system model for the atom held , and this is testimony to the role that imagination plays in scientific reasoningA more graphic example is the model used in the kinetic theory of suckes In the seventeenth century the Englishman Robert Boyle had empirically determined that the pressure and volume of a gas are inversely proportional to each other , as long as the temperature is kept constant A circumstantial later the Frenchman Jaques Charles showed that the volume of gas is proportional to the temperature , and long as the pressure is kept constant . Combining the two it is possible to arrive at the ideal gas equationpV kTHere...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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