Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Define Stereotype To Help Your Reader Recognize Stereotypes And Their Dangers.

The Effects of Stereotyping A stereotype is gener onlyy defined as a generalization ab bulge a group of heap where stack handling a very simple practice for judging an entire group of pile . It is defined by Webster s New World Dictionary as an unvarying pee or pattern a fixed or stately notion or conception as of a mortal , group , idea , etc , held by a number of pot , and totallyowing for no individuality , critical judgment Every unrivalled uses stereotypes to some extremity , as they help us to learn about people and culture . People tend to judge all the meter , and while it is best not to form an opinion unspoilt away , stereotyping does not get really dangerous until it begins to hotshot to another(prenominal) things . It is said that our brains are simply wired to steretype others , and we categorize people everyday by race , gender , worship , ethnic background , and the like . However , it is when people use these stereotypes for things like discrimination or even hate crimes that one can really see the true dangers of stereotyping One exercising of the ban personnels of stereotyping would be simply laws and rules created where some people benefit and others do not base on nix stereotypes . For instance , the Jim Crow laws of the south would be an example of the consequences of negative stereotyping Blacks were looked upon as inferior beings . Now , the stereotype that effects that soft of thinking is enough , but the results of that were devastating . Blacks were actively discriminated against and held out of certain places and activities . These Jim Crow laws were eventually abolished , but other laws replaced them , such as the Federal Housing Administration providing low involvement loans only to white people to buy houses . Whites built houses and fled the cities in favor of the new suburbs while blacks were very literally trap in urban areas . Their houses (if they did own their homes ) were devalued or bought up at unreasonable prices for the construction of freeways .
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Homes were not provided to replace all the low income lodgement that was lost , and many blacks were forced into housing projects in urban areas where air and noise pollution were towering . These people still today do not understand equal schools where they can obtain quality educations . In other words , these laws led to other laws and the perpetuation of discrimination based on unfair stereotypes Another very negative effect of stereotyping is that people internalize these stereotypes . For example , the stereotypes that women are supposed to be very thin can be very malign to a woman s self-esteem . This internalization can mite to self-destructive behaviors , such as eating diss . This build of stereotyping can also lead women to be vulnerable to all kinds of spending that would help them perpetuate this image , such as fashion , plastic surgery , makeup , or puzzle out equipment Even positive stereotyping can be harmful to groups and individuals For example , Asian Americans are seen as the model minority . This should be positive , but it puts undue pressure...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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