Friday, January 25, 2013

Science And Religion

page 1IntroductionRELIGION and cognition are sometimes assumed soulfulness enemies . To some they appear locked in a struggle of such magnitude that it may seem that one will welter only by the death of the otherIn one camp are some scientists , such as chemist Peter Atkins , who aspect that reconciling faith and scholarship is impossible Atkins arranges that to believe that theology is an explanation (of anything , let alone everything ) is intellectually contemptible (as quoted by Russel , 45In another camp are ghostly people who nibble science for the destruction of faith . Such individuals hold to the idea that science as practiced today is a caper its facts may be correct , but the misinterpretation of those facts undermines the beliefs of the flexure For instance , biologist William Provine says that Darwinism means no ultimate design for ethics no ultimate meaning for life story (as quoted by McGrath , 41However , some of the conflict has developed because of false or not provable assertions originating from twain sides . For centuries religious leaders have taught mythological legends and erroneous dogmas that are at odds with modern scientific findings and not based on inspired Scripture . For illustration , the Roman Catholic Church condemned Galileo because he concluded , right on , that the earth revolves around the sun Galileo s view in no way contradicted the Bible , but it was contrary to what the church taught at the time . On the other hand , scientists are at fault when they teach as page 2fact the `not-provable theory that life evolved from inanimate matter independent of God . They ridicule religious faith as unscientific . Is it possible , then , to be science and pietism ? Yes , it is . Actually proven science and unfeigned religion complement rather than contradict each otherThe Similarities and Differences of both science and religion , in their noblest forms , involve the search for fairness .
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Science discovers a world of magnificent , a human beings that contains distinctive marks of intelligent design . True religion makes these discoveries meaningful by teaching that the mind of the Creator lies asshole the design manifest in the physical world . I find my appreciation of science is greatly enriched by religion says Francis Collins , a molecular biologist . He continues : When I discover something about the human genome , I experience a sense of awe at the mystery of life , and say to myself , `Wow , only God knew before It is a deeply beautiful and moving sensation , which helps me appreciate God and makes science even more rewarding for me (as quoted by McGrath 42-43 ) What will help one to reconcile science and religionAmong the basic concerns of both science and religion is the theory concerning astronomy as well as to how the humankind came forth . It could be noticed how different both sides are upon seeing the possibilities of the coming forth of an awesome universe which is being studied by science right direct . However , recent results on researches in science have...If you essential to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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