Friday, January 25, 2013

Describe And Discuss The

Five Pillars of IslamIntroductionIslam is one of largest trusts in terms of followers with estimates indicating that some(prenominal) millions of people both over the world are believers in this religion . Islamics believe in the teachings of their first leader , visionary Muhammad whom they believe was sent by Allah , the one and only theology . One unique thing about Islam as a religion is that they have various doctrines whish they strictly hold and which are in accordance with the teachings of the prophet . Among the various teachings and doctrines of prophet Muhammad are the five pillars of Muslims which every follower of the Islam religion must(prenominal) observe and adhere and strictly . This discussion focuses on these pillars by identifying them and discussing the manner in which they are observed by the Muslim congregating (Feener , 2004The five pillars of Islam are duties which every Muslim faithful is required to observe .
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They are duties that seek to unite all Muslims the world over . Muslims believe that every person who subscribes to the Islamic faith and observes the five pillars to the letter impart go to Jannah which factor paradise . However if you do not repent you will go to hell (Stewart , 19671 . ShahadaThe first pillar of Islam is Shahada . This is the proclamation that at that place is no other true God who deserves to be adore but Allah and that Prophet Muhammad is his messenger (Neusner , 2003 . This is normally an endorsement of the Islam religion which says that...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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