Friday, January 25, 2013

Ancient Rome

1 . The early Republican Rome was characterized with the authority of patriarch . The father of the family held the sole right ons to all the properties earned by the sons and right to sell the sons as slaves . The Roman aristocrats were called the patricians and the comm starrs plebeians . Plebeians being partly enliven by Greek merchants who brought home the over throw of noblesse in some Greek cities organized themselves against the patricians and thus arose what was traditionally called `the Conflict of . Nevertheless they were united in facing the enemies from foreign p This human relationship between the patricians and plebeians gave way to the forming of `the Twelve add-in . Twelve copper tablets were designed to set rules for public , private and political behavior of Romans . Here are some examplesRegarding thievery if a thief was a freeman he was flogged and and then handed to the person from whom he stolen to repay what damage he d done , if necessary by working for him . If the thief as yet was a slave he was flogged and then thrown to his finish off the cliff of the Capitoline Hill known as the Tarpeian RockNo burials or cremations were allowed within the city wallsThe maintainance of roads was the responsibility of those on whose retention they bedIt was an offence to pull out or have a which cast any spells on someone elseMarriage between patricians and plebeians was forbiddenTo demonstrate in the streets against another person was forbidden .
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One was allowed to demonstrate for or against a particular cause , but not against a specific personOne was permitted to remove a branch from a neighbor s tree which overhung one s propertyFor the theft of crops there was the death penalisation (clubbing to deathFor slander there was the death penalty (clubbing to deathThe levels of punishment for misdemeanor were also defined the level varied according to the situation of the person who had committed the crime Harsher for a plebeian , milder for a patrician . And should the victim of the crime be a continent slave , the sentence was reduced yet furtherThe laws also tell between an intentional and an accidental polishingA father had to right to kill his deformed childThe historian Pliny the Elder tells us that the penalty for butcher according to the Twelve Tables was less than that for stealing crops Mean turn after the invasion of Gauls in 390 BC the Plebeian s relationship with the patricians strained and some of the Patrician saw profit motivation in supporting the Plebian cause . Thus the plebeians rose to expulsion . With Rome s rising power in Italy its saga of invasions continued . successfulness with slave trade saw its ill effect in the Roman society . Gladiators were at the peak of popularity and the economy was graceful dependent on slave trade . This was also one of the reasons for the fall of Roman EmpireCicero believed that Rome should remain as a nation of laws...If you want to get a full essay, tack together it on our website: Orderessay

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