Monday, January 13, 2014

Statistics-Chart and Graph Paper

Charts and graphical record atomic number 18 images that testify data symbolically. They are employ to present information and numerical data in a simple, compact format. This paper testament focus on collar types of charts and/or graphs which are: pie charts, take issue graphs, and histograms. What types of data at that place are and how the data was gathered is important for the reader to understand.. According to Bennett, Briggs, and Triola (2003) there are both types of data. They are: *Qualitative data- Data consisting of values that let out qualities or nonnumeric categories. *Quantitative data- Data consisting of values representing counts or measurements (p G-4). In the following tether examples of charts/graphs the type of data being displayed impart be discussed. Pie Chart Excellent intention of section headings! The first-class honours degree type to be discussed is a pie chart. A pie chart is a circle divided so that separately wring represents the congeneric frequency of a particular category. The wedge size is comparative to the relative frequency, and the entire pie represents the total relative frequency of speed of light% (Bennett et al., 2003, p G-3). This first chart displays the results of a 60-day espouse to gibe the amount of library substance abusers conducting searches within the treat craft (Jones, 2006, p 1). Excellent citations throughout your paper. In this breeding soft data was analyzed to determine and measure user activity. The qualitative data was gathered using random sampling.
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A survey tool was developed to interactively collect information from library users. mannikin 1 Note: Virginia H enderson International Nursing Library: A wo! rk in progress, 2006, retrieved from Excellent chart! parry Graph The second example of a graph is the block off graph. A bar graph is a plat consisting of forbid representing the frequencies (or relative frequencies) for particular categories. The bar lengths are proportional to the... If you ask to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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