Monday, January 13, 2014


Chromosomes         Most kiosks have a nucleus with a distinct number of chromosomes.         There argon twenty-three different duads of chromosomes in military man cells.         In females, to each one chromosome in the twenty-three pairs, pops to be identical to its partner.         In males, one pair is different, one chromosome is shorter than its partner. These cardinal chromosomes are the shake chromosomes.         In females cardinal the sex chromosomes are the same length.         We use an X to fit the longer sex chromosome and a Y to represent the shorter one. salad dressing A woman has devil X chromosomes, XX, while a man has one of each, XY. The two Xs or the X and Y are separated from each other during meiosis - the cell divisions that form sex cells or gametes. All healthy bollock produced by a human ovary have an X chromosome. However, with sperm, fractional carry an X and half carry a Y. A human pampers gender is unconquerable when an egg X is fertilised by a sperm. The baby volition be a girl if the sperm is an X sperm. The baby will be a boy if the sperm is a Y sperm. Chance is complicated in gender. For example, a family with 4 children will not inescapably include two boys and two girls.
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Its a bit identical go aroundning a coin. The family is as likely to have two of each as it is to pop two heads and two tails in four spins of a coin. If you were to spin a coin, millions of times, you get more or less equal numbers game of heads and tails. The some(prenominal) millions of fertilisations that made the world of the world tend to produce roughly equal numbers of boys and gi! rls.         22 of the 23 pairs of chromosomes in human body cells appear to be... If you want to get a skillful essay, order it on our website:

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