Thursday, April 11, 2013

Assess the extent in which Euripides' tragedy 'The Trojan Women' is a reflection of the change in attitude to Athens' involvement in the Peloponnesian War

Euripides? tragedy ?The fifth column Women? is a reflection of the changing side held towards Athens? involvement in the Peloponnesian War by both Euripides and Athenian society. Euripides establishes a clear semipolitical allusion among the Peloponnesian War and ?The Trojan Women?, asserting the futility of war and the unavoidable misery for both the defeated and victorious. Written in 415 B.C., ?The Trojan Women? reflects a social atmosphere of political and military struggles, where Athenian civic life and public opinion were overturned by the devastations of the Peloponnesian War.

The correlation between the events of ?The Trojan Women? and controversial episodes of the Peloponnesian War illustrate the rising resentment of war held by Euripides and his audience. Greenstein comments ?In both dialogue and subject matter Euripides? plays round the consequences of the Trojan War are often commentaries on the horrors, moral issues, and conflicts that took place? in the 5th vitamin C B.C. The play was written in 415 B.C ? a social climate where the audience could easy conceive the possibility of the destruction of a classic metropolis in warfare. The Ancient Greek world of 5th Century B.C. was torn asunder by continuous warfare, influencing the social and political spheres of Athenian civic life. This depicted threat of invasion is exemplified by the destruction of Plataea in 427 B.

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C, an allied city moreover forty miles from Athens conquered by the Peloponnesians. While the Trojan stage setting of the play appears hardly paradigmatic of a contemporary Greek polis, Professor Easterling states ?The Trojan Women? in light of its war-stricken context ?moldiness surely have been perceived as suggesting meanings relevant to its induce times?Thedistance in time and space and the cast of suspend heroic characters in no way reduce the spot of the text to challenge and disturb.?The strongest political allusion identified with ?The Trojan...

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