Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Prison Is For Killers - Not For Crazies

I hit the buzzer and looked around. Boxes were still stacked up along the wall. I had crashed on the couch that had been left by the last tenant of this basement studio apartment, which was now mine. I got ready, took one last look at the space that was be safe; solitary and mine. As I walked along the office of my apartment building I saw my car put I was headed to Green Leaf Maximum Security punitory Institute. Emily Jane, or Em-J, has been there for one month, two sidereal days, four hours, and xx minutes. This is the first time I am actually hand place to see her. Its not the first time I have been to this prison. The first time I went to visit her; they told me she was locked up in isolation. They wouldnt tell me the reason, they just told me she wouldnt be out of there for two days. I grabbed my keys, trudged out the door into the frosty morning sunlight, got in my car, and drove off.
I remember that the courtroom had been unusually warm that day. I was academic term just behind Emily who was sitting attached to her state constitute lawyer. Next to me were the different witnesses that were to be used in her defense. We werent allowed to talk to each other but the two next to me were arguing about how long it would take.

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I shot them a look; I would stay here all day if it meant that my best friend would not be committed of manslaughter. The cops had ready her at the top of the stairs, staring at the lifeless bole of her father. The prosecutors argument was shaky at best. more over they had a dirty trick up their sleeve. Emily had had a therapist. It was well up known that Emily didnt like the therapist, but it was a cover dislike. Her parents had no idea that she didnt go to half the sessions and rescheduled the other half. Everything proceeded in a haze. I couldnt focus on the opening statements. But all at once I could feel someone shaking my knee. I looked up and my look focused on Em-J. She was twisted around leaning over the railing, and had her hand on my knee....If you want to get a wide-cut essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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