Monday, February 18, 2013


Indonesia still has major(ip) issues with labor laws and working conditions. A major issue is their child labor laws. Indonesians have some laws into head that prohibit children from working in hazardous conditions including mining, off-shore fishing platforms, p atomic number 18 diving or construction. Back in 2005 there were some(prenominal) cases under these circumstances however their laws are not systematically forced. Many children must work to support families. Indonesia has the Manpower mo which prohibits children from working. Specifically those who are under the age of 18 tho they make an exception who are between 13-15 years old. With consent, these children whitethorn work 3 hours a day not during give instruction hours however these laws are not enforced well at all. It is estimated that 6 to 8 million children exceeded that 3 hour limit. jibe to the Human Rights Watch, in 2005, some Indonesian children between 12 and 15 years of age work 14-18 hours per day, seven geezerhood a hebdomad… (Labor and environmental Issues in Indonesia). Families argue that political science has not done enough to make sure families dissolve survive resulting in all of these employed children. Although there are few child labor laws intact, they must be renew and properly enforced to prevent child labor (Labor and Environmental Issues in Indonesia).

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Local governments throughout Indonesia set the minimum affiance for each district. In 2005, the minimum wage that was set did not even provide a decent standard of backing for workers along with their families. During this time the highest minimum wage was 710,000 rupiah per month or 71 dollars and the lowest minimum wage was 340,000 rupiah or 41 dollars per month. Following 2005, majority of the districts were to raise minimum wages by 15% which still wasnt enough for families to meet a decent standard or living. This sparked thousands of protestors and finally law was dress into place. The law provided a 40 hour work week along with some benefits for employees. Working...If you want to get a ripe essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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