Monday, November 19, 2012

Unarmed Students Make Easy Prey

Unarm Students Make Easy Prey What do Christopher James Bishop, Brian Bluhm and Ryan Clark both acquit in common? All three were victims of Cho Seung-Hui’s violent, mass-shooting rampage at Virginia technical schoolnical Institute. More significantly, none of them woke up that day believing their life would be in risk of exposure on their college campus. Another thing all of Cho Seung-Hui’s victims had in common was that their death was facilitated by systematic disarming of Virginia Tech students, making the institution culpable in Cho Seung-Hui’s crime. As a result of mass-shootings, such as the Virginia Tech Massacre, a new trend is emerging around colleges and universities across the linked States. More and more, students are demanding that their second amendment right to bear ordnance store be extended to include college campuses, a location deemed out limits to firearms in all but one state, Utah (Students for out of sight Carry on Campus), although some states, like Nevada, leave it up to the institution to decide. Waunsch 2 One thing is certain, firearms illicit care, but wherefore? After all, a firearm itself is nothing more than a tool. It takes a human being to squeeze the trigger. So why is it the firearm people fear, rather than the person holding it? For that, we have to blame the media.

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Films and parolereels constantly sensationalize firearms. Movies depict victims being flung back 30 feet by the impact of a nine millimeter bullet. The news media demonizes them when they show caches of seized weapons lining police evidence rooms with to the full automatic AK-47’s and various sub-machine guns. Which are all to a great extent restricted from ownership by any private citizen who does not go through an extraordinary legal process to build up them. But when we see two police officers engaged in their day to day duties, very few of us fear the Glock pistol holstered on their hip. But when a lawfully armed citizen shopping at a Las Vegas Costco inadvertently reveals the Kimber M1911 tucked in... If you motive to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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