Monday, November 5, 2012

Leading Issues for European Companies

Knopf, 1990), home when they are non at work. A nonher manifestation of this phenomenon is to evidence that one's home is an "agreeable, comfortable, surreptitious place."4 To attain this goal, the Dutch tend spend capital on the home in lieu of travel, entertainment, and the like to assure that they contract "paintings, music, books, friends, and silence."5

Somewhat curiously, the craving for privacy does not repel the Dutch to shield themselves from public view. In fact, the passer-by is " back up to look through . . . uncurtained windows" in Dutch homes.6 When the passerby views a Dutch family in such circumstances, he or she will frequently find an inwardoriented deal. An item-by-item whitethorn be "seated in a egocreated pool of privacy, sometimes not reading the paper or book before him, not smoking the pipe in his hand or the gin on the table, cut by as if with the thickest of curtains from his wife sewing or his children reading entirely sitting with his head on one hand, staring and thinking."7 To others, being by oneself likely "means being in a room alone. The Dutch . . . can be by themselves in a room with six other people or on a canal bank lie with people fishing, almost shoulder to shoulder."8 The Dutch capture "learned how to pretend at any given meaning that some of the people in especial(a) those who can be lumped in a group

8Ibid., 51.are invisible or are not there. It is a course of action the

22American forces Information Service, made. Many foreigners, particularly Americans, may take abomination at such behavior on the part of the police, and may be suspicious of the activity.
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Refusal "to pay the onthespot amercement is a means of protesting the police officer's judgment about the incident," however, and, if "a court upholds the officer's judgment, the fine may be increased."23

Dutch have taken since the sixteenth century, when the rebellion against Spanish rule underlined the unearthly disharmony in the socalled United Provinces."9

observing the mandate of not discussing religion as a topic, must, nevertheless, be ready to do business with groups who perceive their identities, at least partially, in religious contexts. In Holland, a larger proportion of the tribe approves of racially mixed marriages than approve of religiously mixed marriages.20 It is important, thus, for foreigners, particularly Americans who are frequently Biblethumping advocates of some particular religious orientation, to avoid religiousoriented discussions in the organise of business in Holland.

10American Forces Information Service, 56.

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