Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Breach of Union Within Christians During Byzantine Empire

Campbell quotes the passage in Galatians (3:28) handicraft for ace of Jew and Greek, slave and slack, "in Christ Jesus." Similar references to the confederacy of trust recur throughout Paul's work, which articulates a vision of faith in which "there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all" (Col. 3:11). discriminate as well the first part of Acts 11, wherein Peter establishes that the relegation of the Church extends to both Jews and Gentiles, more specifically to those of Judea (Acts 11:1) and to the Grecians (Acts 11:20), i.e., pagan non-Jews on one hand and Hellenized/Romanized Jews on the other.

The evangelical and imperative and universalist tendency of the Church mandated dispersion of the spick-and-span religion's mentors to all nations. Eberts explains how the first generation of evangelists accomplished this:

The Twelve of Galilee, infra Peter, went to Galilee and beyond, to the village culture existing there. The Brethren, under James, addressed . . . "Hebrews"--Jews who r Aramaic . . . and tended to isolate themselves from the prevailing Greek society. The Hellenists, led

Chadwick, Henry. "The Photian Schism and the Great East-West Schism." Britannica 2001 Deluxe Edition CD-ROM. 2000 ed.

neither [the Doge], nor Philip of Swabia, nor Boniface, Marquis of Montferrat, had any interest in the Crusade as such. The Doge wished to bring about the destruction of the Byzantine Empire for the earn of Venice, and Boniface most probably envisaged himself as the new emperor moth of Constantinople. Philip of Swabia, far away in Germany was interested primarily in the discomfiture of the Pope and in securing his own position as emperor of the West (Bradford 114).

This appears to have been the beginning of the end for the governmental stability of the Byzantine Empire.
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Prestige suffered as well: "Envoys of Emperor Alexius Comnenus thus arrived at the Council of Piacenza in 1095 at a prosperous moment; and it seems probable that Pope urban II viewed legions aid as a means toward restoring ecclesiastical unity" (Baldwin). The First Crusade was preached to Western Christendom by Pope Urban II in 1095, and by 1097 some 4,000 knights and 25,000 infantry were equanimous outside Constantinople, placing a strain on Byzantine resources. meliorist and Byzantine forces had some successes against the Turks, but between Alexius's ineffectuality and the delusion of many Crusader knights, the spoils of war, notably possession of cities that would become European kingdoms abroad (e.g., Jerusalem, Sicily), were more or less appropriated from the empire. Prawer (passim) says that the crusades began European patterns of colonialism that persisted into the neo period.

Matters deteriorated for the Byzantine Empire with each succeeding Crusade. Powell cites the misdirection and loser of the Fourth Crusade, which Innocent III preached in 1202 and which ended in the sack of Christian Constantinople by European Christian Crusaders in 1204. Bradford says that the permanence of the Great Schism between eastern and westbound Christianity, as well as the ascendancy of Isla
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