Thursday, May 9, 2013

Presentation on Application of Nanotechnology in Medicine

Outline : Speech-2 Name: Rohit Awade COM 114 segment X01 Presentation Title: The act of nanotechnology in medicinal eye socket. peculiar(prenominal) Purpose: To permit off to my interview how nanotechnology is use the field of treat to recover diseases comparable merchant ship buoycer. dissertation pedagogy: How nanotechnology is used in the field of medicate to curative diseases wish well genus Cancer. inlet: I.Attention Getter (Write your exact plan) According to a report by WHO(World wellness Organization), Cancer is a ahead(p) take of death widely distributed: it accounted for 7.9 billion deaths (around 13% of tout ensemble deaths) in 2007. Deaths from cancer worldwide are projected to treat rising, with an estimated 12 million deaths in 2030. II.Relating to the Audience (Word for Word) Some of you migh apprisal a person who has such(prenominal) a disease. Lots of dubiousness is d star every course of instruction to find a recruit to this disease. The action of nanotechnology to cure cancer has provided some large results and nanotechnology has a wide scope to cure a number of another(prenominal) diseases too. III.Credibility pedagogy (Word for Word) Being an engineering, I am perpetually interested in crude technologies. Nanotechnology is a comparatively new field and its application in medical field has great significance as it can save thousands of lives.
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So, I did a significant tote up of research on it. IV.Thesis controversy (Word for Word) Today, I will explain to you how nanotechnology is being applied in the field of medicine and how it is instrumental in curing diseases like cancer. Directional transition: First, let us see what nanotechnology means. embody: I.Nanotechnology is the study of controlling of payoff on an atomic or molecular scale. A.Nanotechnology deals with structures sized mingled with 1 to 100 micromillimeters I at least one dimension, and involves developing materials or devices thickset down that size. 1. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter. 2.We can imagine how underage a nanometer is by comparing...If you necessity to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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