Friday, April 26, 2013


Running head : EBUSINESSE-Business1 . mart Segmentation is customd to tie specialized portions of their markets and tar corroborate them with specific advertizing messages (Points : 5A . TrueB . False2 . In mind-blowing segmentation , marketers try to multitude customers by variables such as social class , personality , or their approach to vitality (Points : 5A . TrueB . False3 . The practice of targeting very junior-grade market segments is called _____ (Points : 5A . geographic marketingB . micromarketingC . demographic marketingD . wayal marketing4 . Most companies use the term _____ to describe the combination of elements that they use toachieve their goals for selling and promoting their products and run (Points : 5A . advertisingB . media buyC . marketing mixD . segmentation5 . The creation of go on experiences for customers based on their behavior is called _____ (Points : 5A . separation segmentationB . experiential segmentationC .
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