Monday, February 25, 2013

The Ultimate Goal Of Any Management Information Sy

The ultimate goal of any management study arranging (MIS) is optimisation(Jackson D. Ford 1987)



As above mentioned in the mastery of Jackson D. Ford, an outline wants to gain something or wants to improve its self from the management by creating some dodgings or by implementation of new procedures. An system of rules whether product making or receipts provider, this kind of procedures or systems are adopted to provide unwrap/quality product or services which provide an brass better opportunity of survival in the market as a competitor and to make decisions easy for the betterment of the organisation on the long run. The author is going to make a report on Lloyds TSB Plc. following direction teaching system, theory of managing information systems and its vital importance to Lloyds TSB Plc. is explained and the act upon of information and sources of MIS components are discussed in this report. There are various sources and routes of MIS which delivers information to different departments of Lloyds TSB Plc. and executive information system utilises the information to achieve its targets by making different policies in favour of the bank.


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An information system (IS) can be any organized conspiracy of people, hardware, software system, communications networks, and data resources that collect, transform, and disseminate information in an organization. (Prof.Anatoly Sachenko)* Management information service or system is the combination of software and hardware used to process information automatically. MIS refers widely to a system which is computer based to provide decision makers by using the tools of evaluating, organising and running resourcefully their departments. Management information operate / system (MIS) is the system which makes a company or organisation able to make better decisions in the favour of the organisation. This system helps to provide all kind of...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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