Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Not All Pleasures Are Good

Not alvirtuoso entertainments ar reliableAccording to word net , enjoyment is described as a deep feeling that popu easy wish to vex . It is a same(p) described as rejoice , an originator of delight , g fireerual satisf run and also an action from which one gets enjoyment . According to the intelligent systems glossary , amusement is come upond when one is about to attain certain set objectives . disregardless of the infliction in the ass incurred , enjoyment is derived from the end results . This concurs with the cosmic ledger s of cheer as a sensation that is a property of self-importance resulting from pain . According to the cosmic ledger , pleasance thus refutes happiness . The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy also defines pleasure as a collective term for joy effulgentness , happiness and niftyness , as used when studying moral psychological science , ethics as well up as studies of the mindThat which is non grateful , fit in to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is associated with pain and suffering and exclusively the feelings associated with sinfulness or bad . In the New coming article , evil is defined as solely that ruin caution and obstruct the use of reason , while reasoned is defined as that which is in agreement with reason . save , evil is still relative . To whatsoever , evil is that which is desire by a man who lacks virtue , and is avoided by a man who is considered virtuous . Human bes t therefrom will head for the hills to use the virtuous man as a instrument for measuring human actionIn the give-and-take , 1st Corinthians 2 :15 , `The spiritual man judges all matters Therefore children and animals in whose mind there is no virtue , seek pleasure . Pleasure in this context rump therefore be understood to be evil and should be avoided . On the blow , in the same bible , Psalms 36 :4 says , `Delight in the Lord Since divine power apprise non ensue one to do evil , therefore one can say not every pleasure is evil since by delighting one will be seeking pleasure . hardly delighting in the Lord cannot be evilAccording to Socrates , Plato and Aristotle , philosophy involves perception though wisdom was subject to debate . Practical wisdom , according to Aristotle involved prudence . The characteristics of prudence involve that which is advantageous , reclaimable , profitable and level-headed to someone . It is therefore a judicious thing to drive at speed limit , solely that does not necessarily mean that the psyche driving is circumspect . Wisdom according to him therefore is being the just about sodding(a) , accurate and precise Interestingly however , the word wisdom can have a negative meaning and ride have a positive meaning . An evil person , though clever and knowledgeable is sometimes referred to as a fool , while a fool who is ignorant when it comes to matters of wholesome reason is referred to as a fool of GodAccording to ethics , some people still maintain that all pleasure is evil . This is with regards to tangible pleasure and sensory pleasures Ancient philosophers were unable to realize between that which is intelligent and sensible , maintaining the thought that all bodily pleasures be bad . Man therefore tried to achieve high merits and virtue by abstaining from pleasure . The early philosophers were however incorrectly to maintain this opinion since no one can go finished without sensible and bodily pleasure , indeed if they who preached that such(prenominal) pleasure is evil were found partaking of the same pleasure , then the rest of the people would follow their sensible exercise since human beings function to follow their idols rather than what they preach . An takeing question then arises from the above analysis of pleasureIs every pleasure goodIt may reckon that all pleasure is good by virtue that it is reclaimable and pleasant if everything virtuous is good as well as everything useful then all pleasure is good . but , in the bible , Proverbs 2 :14 says Who argon glad when they have done evil , and rejoice in most wicked HYPERLINK http / vane .newadvent .org /cathen /05649a .htm things According to this verse , the bible warns of bad pleasures . Anyone who derives his /her pleasure from doings is therefore engaging in pleasure that is forbidden or scarce wrong . mend the Epicureans maintained that all pleasure is good , the Stoics were of the idea that all pleasures atomic number 18 evil . They seemed to ignore the difference between that which is simply good and that which is good to a specific personFor that which is good to one person may not necessarily be good to another . That which is good to one person , however moved(p) or unrealistic it may seem , is good to him depending on his current circumstances and conditions . For example a leper or mendicant eating from the rubbish finds it well , albeit the fact that the food he is feeding on is not good to human ashes . Aristotle s sees good as that which everyone tries to achieve . However , this gives it many meanings . For example , to say that something is good because it is the objective of certain actions does not pardon why the actions argon worth doingHeraclitus erst said that savoury water is good for fish , while only idle water is good for human . In his example , therefore pleasure is relative to the situation and circumstances . Thomas Jefferson once said that , `Morality is a limitation of self interest . A good example is Masochism , whereby the sufferer derives pleasures by inflicting physical pain on him /her . In Sado Masochism also , the person derives pleasure from inflicting pain on others . This is the same as Sadism . Such class of pleasure is not morally acceptable in godliness and social norms since it is obtained at the expense of pain and suffering , which are both described as bad or evilAccording to an article on the Ethics Utility website , Utopia : Ethics Utilities and Economics , the voluptuary ethics argues that the main duty of a good brass is to provide good heart for its citizens . However life in politics , despite the power and pleasure that comes with it requires that one live like the common man hence a pol is not able to enjoy the good life . Epicurus also takes negative comments on sex and relationships . Too a good deal hit the hay for a person of the opposite sex that may admit to inner instability is not necessary . When a pas de deux competes for pleasure , they erode love , while too much sex on the other hand weakens the health hence shortens lifeA more real life example is the pleasure of science . Like in the case of Venezuela Adolph Hitler took advantage of the adverse cause of the war . While the people were still vulnerable and hopeless for change and healing , he used propaganda and easily win the people s confidence using tempting promises . He blind the people of the truth until much later when it was too late to save the situation . He rose to power at the cost of the largest war in history and genocide of sextette million people adversely affecting the economy of the universe (William Sheridan Allen , The Nazi Seizure of Power : the experience of a integrity German townAn interesting question then arises does the fact that an single(a) who has accomplished something of intellectual , social or political honor , which provides lots of inner satisfaction to him or her necessarily make it a good thing ? Well , the answer is no . As much as it is a good thing to him , it is not a good thing to others . The loss of life is evil and sinful as well as barbarous . Using lies is also unacceptable and incorrect .
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Pleasure derived through such means is not good and should therefore be avoided . The same applies to wars Development of atomic bombs and bio chemical weapons are plainly meant to take life . When a country wins the war , should it presumption in its victory which is at the expense of innocent livesAccording to Epicurus , there is no pleasure that is bad in itself except when the things that buzz off about the pleasure itself in some circumstances connote disturbances which are often greater than the pleasure itself . Some desires are natural and necessary for example conjugal desires . Some are natural but not necessary while others are neither natural nor important , but still they are brought about by meaningless actions and thoughtsAccording to F .H . Buckley (2003 , laughing at someone who has failed or is deformed is fierce . He calls this ` fierce jape In his Superiority thesis , he notes that cruelty is necessary in life and joy hence to laughter too . It is a common habit to tease friends , although sometimes the teasing genuinely hurts them . Although teasing can be well intended for humor , at times it is intentionally cruel to others . He compares laughter to sex just like sex starts with play and joy and laughter but ends up in serious involvement , so can cruelty come out with play and end up with adverse effects like murderComics are also sometimes not well received especially when they involve personification . In the motion picture , The stone-dead Poet Society (1989 John Wayne is imitated doing a passage of Shakespeare . This seems very screaming(prenominal) to the audience , however the person being imitated great power not like it . Comics are meant to entertain and bring joy , but can sometimes be mocking and reproachful . It might bring out some traits and habits that people might not be aware ofConclusionAristotle describes the vital human good as happiness . The human good is therefore measured in terms of the acceptable virtues . Some virtues are regarded as being better than others . Ultimate happiness therefore is associated with better virtues . He considers the fact that sometimes life can go wrong hence happiness is a matter of a animation . The greatest virtue according to him is wisdom which helps one make eternal truths and the supreme power . It is easy to think that Aristotle compared net happiness to a life of philosophyPleasure is seen as the first good and the end of the good life because it is the initial good inherent in human beings and from it begins every act of choice and bar . We go back to pleasure again as an end result for judging everything that we consider good . Every pleasure therefore with regards to its end results is good to us , yet not every pleasure is to be selected . Just like pain is regarded as evil , yet we cannot avoid all pain . It is therefore obvious that not all pleasure is good , yet to engage in pleasure whether good or evil is a personal choice ReferencesF .H . Buckley , The Morality of laugh University of Michigan Press 2003Aristotle , 1984 , The Complete Works of Aristotle , Jonathan Barnes (ed Princeton : Princeton University PressSteven Smith , ship canal of WisdomNew adventhttp /www .newadvent .org /summa /2034 .htmUTOPIA : ON ITS ETHICS , POLITICS ECONOMICSHYPERLINK http /www .skeptically .org /ethicsutility /id10 .html http /www .skeptically .org /ethicsutility /id10 .htmlStanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy , Pleasure , introductory published Wed Nov 23 , 2005 substantive revision Fri Jun 16 , 2006Prudence , Goodness and Wisdom , http /www .friesian .com /wisdom .htmRobin William s movie , The Dead Poets Society [1989]William Sheridan Allen , The Nazi Seizure of Power : the experience of a single German townWord Net , wordnet .princeton .edu /perl /webwnThe Cosmic al-Quran , www .cosmicledger .com /glossary /p PAGEPAGE 1 Not all pleasures are good ...If you want to get a skillful essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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