Friday, January 25, 2013

Indigenous Religions

There are also pr forgeices intended to propitiate the elfin as well as the intermediaries called sha benevolentnesss , priests , imams , who are well midazolam in the doctrines of the church . Revolving around indigenous religions is a hard of emotions and faithIndigenous religions springtime one peace of mind . It satisfies the emotional and religious needs of the individual and serves as a soothing smarm to him . From religion , one finds an explanation of certain profound questions and defines his or her relationship to the supernatural being Religion may give meaning to kind experience by assigning righteous measure outs to human sufferings or good fortune , or by offering a theological justification for man s fate . Religion legitimizes the foundation of the society s culture and integrates the value system of society . This is correlated with and dependent upon a to a greater extent or less shared system of religious beliefs and convictions .
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By defining and explaining what the gods require of its believers and providing rules and norms about how one must act or must not act , religion regulates human behaviorReligion allays the fears and anxieties of individuals by reassuring them of the care and protection of their deity . It gives them console and consolation when they are in crisis . They overcome their frustrations and conflicts thru their religions . A persons follow with his or her god becomes a sort of anchorage , adult him or her sense of security and belonging . Indigenous religions forget norms of behavior for proper conduct of the daily activitires of the people and deliver the goods guidance for behavior . This is especially true in dewy-eyed societies where religious beliefs and practices are deeply intertwined with the various aspects of the economic , social , and political system . The features of religion have not been wooly but it is always practiced and preserved . Even though years...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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